Tools for the effective planners

TRENOplus is a powerful timetable planning tool developed from scratch to take maximum advantage of the latest research in network analysis modelling and algorithms. It integrates a macroscopic model and the trenissimo microscopic model into a package that supports users in estimating running times for use in planning timetables and infrastructure at different levels of detail.
Discover more about TRENOplus

Understanding the processes and dynamics of real operations is a key factor for successful railway planning. Even the best planned timetables can show unsatisfactory reliability when put into operation. TRENOanalysis identifies, measures and visualizes the causes and impacts of delays or real railway traffic and thereby helps planners develop effective measures to maximise service quality.
Discover more about TRENOanalysis

Trenissimo is a new tool designed to make railway simulation more intuitive, accurate, and efficient. Intuitive thanks to the easy-to-use user interface and the interactive graphs. Accurate for its detailed models and for its innovative ability to replicate dispatcher train priority decisions as in real operations. Efficient thanks to its integration with trenolab’s planning and analysis tool – which significantly reduces the time spent to setup, run and analyse simulations.
Discover more about Trenissimo!
No train moves without its driver! TRENOcrew is a crew rostering module which automatically generates crew rosters covering the courses of an input timetable, complying with given operational and contractual constraints. It permits to analyse real rosters and to optimize them according to different target KPIs. Furthermore, the module supports crews management in case of timetable disruptions.
Contact trenolab to discover more about TRENOcrew!