InnoTrans 2024: Teamwork for a great stand!
Once again, we designed, carried, built and dismantled our booth at Innotrans. A great opportunity to create something concrete together!
The stand was constructed as an art gallery displaying a set of Futuristic paintings representing trains. Futurism was an an artistic movement that was an artistic movement that originated in Italy, and to a lesser extent in other countries, in the early 20th century. It emphasised dynamism, speed, technology, youth, violence, and objects such as the train and the industrial city.
Futurism was chosen for this emphasis on modernity, speed and of course trains, exactly as trenolab’s tools. An impressive number of visitors stopped at the stand just to get a look at it!
Alongside this “artistic” interest, our tools were on stage and kept our team busy presenting the latest version of trenissimo and the first complete release of trenoLive to current users, friends and several other professionals and students.